June 20, 2016

Summer Bucket List

With a huge smile on my face, I am thrilled to officially welcome back summer!!

Although I have pretty much been in the summer mode for quite a few weeks now, June twentieth still brings me so much happiness knowing that it is officially the start of summer. It never ceases to amaze me every year just how fast the season flies by. Summer starts and before you know it the Fourth of July is here and gone, and it is already Labor Day weekend. Time flies when you're having fun I guess!

Although I don't consider this summer much of my own because of how much time is dedicated to nursing school, I am still determined to make the most of the time I do have.  I thought it would be fun to make a summer bucket list of things that are a must for me in these warmer months.

Enjoy and happy summer!

1. Fireworks 
2. Vecchitio's Italian Ice 
3. Go hiking 
4. Host a backyard bash 
5. Night swimming 
6. Bonfire with s'mores 
7. Country concert 
8. Weekend getaway 
9. Stony Creek Brewery 
10. Yankees game in the city 

p.s. enjoy the longest day of the year! 

xo. G 


  1. Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.

  2. I love that you're making a summer bucket list!
