December 31, 2018
A Look Back at Twenty Eighteen
As I lay here on this last day of 2018, I can't help but feel this overwhelming sense of gratitude for this past year. For everything that it was and wasn't, for all the milestones it contained, for the many miles traveled & adventures lived, for all the dreams achieved, lessons learned, and most importantly for all the people I am so lucky to be surrounded by.
To say I am lucky is an understatement at best.
December 13, 2018
Holiday Gifts for the Traveler
One of my favorite gift guides to make every year is this one, a gift guide for the traveler! Traveling is a passion I hold very close to my heart and is something I think everyone should make a priority in their lives. This gift guide was crafted with all types of travelers in mind - everyone from the most experienced of traveler to those who may be just starting out. I am confident that there is something for everyone in this gift guide!
December 12, 2018
Holiday Party Dresses!
December 11, 2018
Holiday Gifts for the Home
In my opinion a gift for the home makes one of the best Christmas gifts, especially for those on your list that seem to have everything. The great thing about selecting a gift from this category is that there are two different approaches! You can either gift someone something that they are really in need of... maybe your mom's KitchenAid mixer has seen better days! Or, you can gift something a little more frivolous... these water color around the world playing cards certainly aren't a necessity, but boy do they make a wonderful gift! Whichever route you decide to take, gifts for the home are sure to please your loved ones this year. Enjoy!
December 03, 2018
November 30, 2018
Holiday Gifts for the Gents
November 28, 2018
Holiday Gifts for the Ladies
It's that time of year again! Ready or not, it is officially the holiday season and you know what that means... time to start thinking about gifts for all the special people in your life. Gift giving, no matter what the holiday or occasion, is something I love. If you're familiar with the five love languages, then you'll understand when I say that gift giving is one of my love languages. I love taking the time to curate the perfect gifts for family and friends. A gift speaks volumes and when it is just right, it shows those loved ones just how much you care.
November 26, 2018
November 21, 2018
Black Friday Sales!
Does anyone else remember when Black Friday was just that, Black Friday and nothing else? It not so slowly evolved into Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and now apparently Cyber Week has become a thing! Never would have guessed it would have become what it has, but here we are. Although part of me does long for the old days of just Black Friday!
It doesn't seem like this Cyber Week business is going anywhere anytime soon, I guess why not make the most of it! If you're in the market to save a buck (and in reality, who isn't!?) then this week is the week for you. There is no better time to get a jump start on Christmas shopping than right now! I'm positive there is something for everyone on your list & at a steal right now. You don't want to miss out!
Over the course of the next few days, weekend, and into Cyber Monday, I will be sharing all the sales I'll be shopping & of course linking to my favorite pieces. I'll be updating this page often, so be sure to check it out frequently!
It doesn't seem like this Cyber Week business is going anywhere anytime soon, I guess why not make the most of it! If you're in the market to save a buck (and in reality, who isn't!?) then this week is the week for you. There is no better time to get a jump start on Christmas shopping than right now! I'm positive there is something for everyone on your list & at a steal right now. You don't want to miss out!
Over the course of the next few days, weekend, and into Cyber Monday, I will be sharing all the sales I'll be shopping & of course linking to my favorite pieces. I'll be updating this page often, so be sure to check it out frequently!
November 20, 2018
November 16, 2018
Friday Finds No. 26
Happy Friday! I can't believe we are only a week out from Thanksgiving, which we all know means we are almost offically in the throws of the holiday season! It's so hard to beleive how fast it has crept up on us, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting excited! With that being said, however, I am most excited for Thanksgiving first. It is really such a beautiful holiday & one I always love celebrating!
I hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating with family & friends next week. Wishing you safe travels now and throughout the holiday season! Enjoy!
November 14, 2018
November 12, 2018
Now Trending: All Things Velvet
Velvet was hot this time last year, and it looks like it is back again & here to stay! I must say, I'm a fan of velvet and always have been. To me it's a classic fabric, and although it might be uber popular right now, it is timeless and will forever be around.
November 09, 2018
An Inspiration Library
The world needs inspiration more now than ever. It is my hopes that this collection of words, phrases, and statements serve as just that for you. For whatever season you are in and for whatever your heart is longing for. It is these very same words that I have referred to time and time again when I have been in seasons of heartbreak, limbo, uncertainty, or yearning. They have provided comfort, inspiration, reassurance, and peace. It is my hopes that they do the same for you. Words are powerful. Let them move you, inspire you, change you, and strengthen you.
Let them touch your heart.
xo. G
November 07, 2018
November Wishlist!
Whenever November rolls around, I find myself reaching for cozy, classic pieces. Warm, oversized sweaters, and tried and true coats are in heavy rotation this time of year. Something about late fall has me gravitating towards things that are comforting and familiar - and that includes my wardrobe as well. This Everlane sweater looks like something I could live in for the next five months, as does this White & Warren cashmere cardigan (to die for).
November 05, 2018
25 Things I've Learned in 25 Years
Here we are, another year around the sun! This past Thursday, November 1st, marked my twenty-fifth birthday!! I can't believe it. If you've been following around for a while then you know how I feel about birthdays. There are many, many things to be celebrated, but the gift of life hits the top of that list, and there is no better excuse to celebrate that than a birthday!
October 31, 2018
Five Hot Styles for Fall
Happy Halloween & last day of October! Can you believe it?? Autumn is in full swing by this time of the season and so is all that fall fashion. Fall is one of my favorite seasons to dress for and I always love the classics, however it's always fun to experiment with pieces that are a little more in. Over the past couple months I've seen quite a few styles that keep popping up - some a little more trendy than others - but all super hot for fall.
I wanted to share some of those styles I've been seeing non-stop this season (and that I'm totally loving!). The beautiful thing is that even with trendy pieces, there is still one out there for everyone. There is always a way to incorporate more popular styles into your own personal wardrobe - just have fun with it!
October 17, 2018
New York City To-Do List

If you didn't know, I am a big fan of list. Everything from to-do lists, to grocery lists, to travel lists. Most notably I have my 101 in 1001 list, which highlights the one hundred and one things I want to do in a thousand and one days. Daunting I know, but so fun! (I'm getting closer to the 1001th day - go check it out!) So it comes as no surprise that upon moving to the City, I started crafting a NYC to-do list... essentially all the things I want to do while living here.
October 12, 2018
October 05, 2018
October 01, 2018
Now Trending: All Things Leopard
Hi guys, happy Monday and happy first day of October! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend -it was such a beautiful one. I was back home in Connecticut and spent it doing all the fall things with family and friends. Nothing better! Weekends like this past one make getting back into the swing of things that much harder. Going to keep it short & sweet today because it has just been one of those Mondays.. anyone else!?
September 26, 2018
My Picks from Shopbop's Event of the Season Sale
It can't not be a happy Wednesday when Shopbop's Event of the Season Sale goes live! It truly is one of the best sales of the year and is going on for four days... aka plenty of time to find your favorites, place an order, and probably repeat that process again (you know it's true!). I know I say that about what probably seems like every sale, but if I had to pick, the Shopbop sales are definitely my favorite. There is just such a great selection of pieces from all your favorite brands, for various price points and it's (almost) all on sale! You really can't beat it.
September 24, 2018
Autumn Bucket List
Can you believe it is already fall!? Every year summer comes and goes so fast - you would think I would be used to it, but it still amazes me. As much as it makes me sad to say goodbye to summer, I am equally as excited and happy to be welcoming fall back. It is truly one of the most wonderful times of year in the northeast & I'm so happy to be able to spend this season up north. I'm extra excited to be spending autumn here in the City this year. I've heard only good things about fall in New York, so I can't wait to see for myself!
September 14, 2018
Welcome to New York!
I can't believe I am even writing this, but I am officially a New Yorker!
Today marks two weeks since moving to New York City and I couldn't be more thrilled about it. Those of you that know me, know that this has been something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Connecticut meant frequent trips to the City, which I can credit for my long time love affair with New York. I truly feel like I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't had the opportunity to come to know and love this extraordinary city. I am so grateful!
September 12, 2018
September Wishlist
As I look at the date, I can't believe we are almost half way through September already! I intended to get this post up a little earlier in the month, but better late than never! Isn't it funny how as soon as September hits we all jump straight into full on fall mode? I always have a hard time letting summer go, but looking at all the new pieces out there is getting me excited for fall. I've had my eye on quite a few things for the upcoming season and I couldn't help but share - hope you love them as much as I do!
xo. G
September 10, 2018
Lilly After Party Sale!
It's that time of year again... the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale is here! A little later than normal, but regardless it is still one of the best sales of the year. Lilly hardly ever goes on sale, so now is the time to stock up and get some of the best Lilly pieces at amazing prices. I'm serious, go stock up people!
I know it's a little hard to get past purchasing such summery pieces just as we are about to approach fall - trust me I'm right there with you - but in all honesty there is no better time. If I am being super transparent with you, most of the Lilly I own and wear has been purchased in previous Lilly After Party Sales. You just can't beat the prices and I promise your future self with thank you when summer rolls back around. There is nothing better than having new Lilly to wear!
August 29, 2018
A Word on Endings
I have never been a fan of endings.
I sobbed as a kid as I drove away from summer camp for the very last time. I cried at unpredictable times in the months that followed me ending my twelve year gymnastics career. And in the weeks leading up to college graduation, I found myself moved to tears at the thought of four of the best years of my life coming to an end.
I am clearly not a fan of endings. But, I do love what they represent.
August 27, 2018
Hello Again!
Hello again friends! I apologize for the radio silence over the past month. August ended up being a brief hiatus from the blog, and although it was completely unintentional, I think it was just what I needed. I was feeling a lot of pressure to be go, go, go with Faith & Fancy, and the truth is I think I was starting to feel a little burnt out. August allowed me to reset and recharge, spend lots of quality time with family, and really enjoy the end of summer. It was just what I needed. I have big changes coming up (very soon!) which I will absolutely be sharing with all of you, and I am feeling re-inspired on the creativity front!
July 24, 2018
July 23, 2018
Exploring Newport, R.I.
New England is home to many seaside gems, each one about just at beautiful and full of coastal charm as the next - so much so that it often is hard to play favorites. However, after spending the beginning of last week there, I can assure you that Newport definitely falls near the top on my list of top new England destinations. Newport is such a quick trip from Connecticut, which makes for a great weekend getaway or even just a quick day trip!
July 13, 2018
My Favorites from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
It's that time of year again! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is back & it's better than ever. I'm not going to lie, I have a hard time shopping for fall and winter pieces when we are still very much in the heart of summer. There's just still so much cute summer wear out there and thinking about fall and winter is the last thing I want to do! However, it is definitely in my best interest (or my wardrobes at least) to take advantage of some of this amazing sale. My future self will thank me - and so will yours!
For those of you unfamiliar with the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, it is the biggest sale of the year and features new items at limited-time prices - yes, new pieces! It is such a great time to get your wardrobe ready for the upcoming season and at theses prices, you just can't beat it.
It can be a super overwhelming sale to shop, as there is so much included in the sale, so I wanted to share some of my favorites from the sale. These are the pieces that caught my eye and that I will be shopping, but definitely head to Nordstrom's website to shop the entire sale. Enjoy!
p.s. The sale is only currently open to Nordstrom cardholders, but it will be open to everyone starting on July 20th!
xo. G
July 11, 2018
Where to Eat in Barcelona
When I first traveled to Spain back in 2016 one of the things that I was pleasantly surprise at and one that remained most memorable upon my arrival home, was the food. It was so good and so it became one of the things I was looking forward to most when I returned last month.
At the beginning of June when I headed back to Barcelona, it was again the food that I looked forward to the most! Once again it did not disappoint - if anything, it was even better this go around. With a little bit of luck & a little bit of research, we found some of the best spots with even better food. I always appreciate restaurant and bar recommendations when I head to a new destination, and I wanted to do the same for you guys! Below are my favorites for the lively city of Barcelona. Enjoy!
July 03, 2018
All Things Americana
Can you believe it!? The Fourth of July is already upon us! Every year it creeps up on us, and yet every year I'm always surprised at how fast it comes and goes. Fourth of July is honestly one of my favorite holidays. To me, it represents everything I love so very much about summertime in the USA. I always feel like summer flys by after the Fourth, so I try to savor every second!
July 02, 2018
June 25, 2018
June 21, 2018
Summertime Wishlist
To celebrate it's arrival, I wanted to share some of my must haves for summer & the things that have made their way to my ever-evolving (and lengthening!) wishlist. Give me all the pretty prints, breezy dresses, and must have summer accessories! I mean is this bag to die for or what!
June 19, 2018
Summer Travel Destinations
Hi guys, I'm back, finally! I had the most incredible two weeks traveling in Europe - if you were following along on Instagram, then I know you saw some of the highlights! I am of course sad that the trip is now behind me, but I am so happy for the memories I'll forever hold close. It is always nice to get back into a routine after being away for so long, but traveling always leaves me wanting more! It never quenches my desire to travel, but only makes it that much stronger. There are so many places out there to explore and I find myself constantly adding new destinations to my list.
May 28, 2018
May 21, 2018
May 18, 2018
May 17, 2018
What I Brought to Florida
Last week was spent poolside in sunny Florida, and I am already wishing I was back! It was a much needed week of rest and relaxation and a good dose of vitamin D! Of course I was thrilled to be headed to much warmer temps because that meant packing a wardrobe full of warm weather pieces. I've been waiting months to wear some of these things so I was thrilled to say the least!
May 14, 2018
May 04, 2018
A Love Affair with Charleston
My oh my, where do I even begin! Charleston you were an absolute dream. Three days was all it took for me to fall head over heels in love with you!
I had a pretty good feeling prior to my trip that the Holy City would quickly become a favorite, but I had no idea just how much it would speak to me. It's funny how you feel instant connections with certain places. Paris & New York are some of those places for me, and now I gladly add Charleston to the list!
May 01, 2018
May Wishlist
Happy May! Can you believe it is already May!? It feels like we are finally over the hump and do I dare say that summer feels not that far away... thank goodness!
April 30, 2018
April 27, 2018
April 23, 2018
My Favorites Straw Bags
I think it is safe to say that my straw tote bag was my go-to item last summer. I used it all the time over the warm weather months and I don't anticipate this summer being any different! The straw bag trend is still going strong, and there are so many cute options out this season - from clutches to large tote bags and everything in between. I love that their uses range from a super casual (but cute!) beach bag to an accessory that can be used for a night out on the town.
April 20, 2018
Sephora Beauty Insider Event
One of the best sales of the year starts today- the Sephora Beauty Insider Event! Starting today take 10 to 15 % off your purchase if you are a beauty insider or a VIB member. Beauty insiders get 10% off their purchase, while VIB members get 15% off. If you are not a beauty insider, I suggest signing up today to take advantage of the sale! It is so easy to do, and worth it for not only this sale, but for additional perks throughout the year.
It is not every day that beauty products go on sale, so this is the time to stock up! I have linked almost all of my everyday, go-to products ranging from skincare to haircare to makeup. If you are looking to switch up your routine or try something new these are my tried & true products, so I recommend each and every one of them!
xo. G
April 18, 2018
Spring Bucket List
Hey guys, sorry it's been a minute! I'm happy to be back and I'm even happier to report that lots of exciting things will be happening in the upcoming weeks, which means a lot of new & exciting content coming your way. I can't wait to share with you all - stay tuned!
Spring is still very slowly making it's way here to New England, ugh. I just keep counting down the days until it finally arrives. While I very patiently wait for it to show up, I've been brainstorming some fun springtime activities that I am looking forward to doing. I thought it would be fun to share them with you all, I hope you enjoy and are as excited to do all the spring things as I am!
April 09, 2018
April 05, 2018
Spring Must Haves: Accessories
Today marks the last day of the Spring Must Haves series and last up, but certainly not least, is accessories. There is nothing that brings me happiness quite like a new straw bag or a pretty new pair of sunnies, and this season there is no shortage of either! To me, accessories really complete a look - they are like the cherry on top. Oftentimes, whenever I feel like an outfit is missing something, it is because the accessories haven't been added in or aren't quite right.
April 02, 2018
April Wishlist
It's officially April, thank goodness! With the arrival of April comes a little more hope that springtime weather will be here soon. I have quite a few warm weather trips coming up at the end of the month and in May, which is giving me something to look forward to and helping me get me through this still very winter-like weather. I am looking forward to these much needed getaways more than you know!
March 31, 2018
March 28, 2018
Spring Must Haves: Tops
Hey guys, another spring must haves post here today - this time I'm sharing all my favorite tops for spring! I think it is pretty evident that I have a thing for stripes, ruffle details, and all the things blue, white, and pink! That is definitely the color palette I am most drawn to - it is just so pretty and feminine for spring. A much needed lighter and brighter alternative to our winter wardrobes!
March 27, 2018
March 23, 2018
Talking About Friendship
I have always been a firm believer that our twenties are some of our biggest years in terms of change, growth, and learning. Talk to any twenty-something and I am certain the majority will say they don't feel like they have it all figured out. At this point we're all just kind of rolling with life. Nothing is really set in stone, there are a lot of uncertainties, and everyone is trying to figure out everything from careers to relationships. It is a time of uncertainty, sure, but it is also a time of great excitement. If you are reading this and feel like this is you, take comfort in knowing you are not alone!
March 22, 2018
Spring Must Haves: Shoes
Today's post is one of my favorites.. because what girl doesn't have an unhealthy obsession with shoes!? I'm right there with you! I love myself the perfect pair of shoes, especially come spring when it is finally acceptable to break out sandals. There are so many great styles out this season that I don't even know where to begin! I am loving these mules, so pretty for spring & will also transition perfect into summer, and I recently purchased these platform wedges that will be coming with me for quite a few trips I have coming up this spring. I cannot wait!
March 16, 2018
Friday Finds No. 25
Hi guys, happy Friday! I'm off to the City tomorrow & I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to be back in my favorite place and to be celebrating St. Patrick's Day with friends! I hope you all have fun plans in store and have a fabulous weekend. Enjoy!
March 15, 2018
March 13, 2018
Spring Must Haves: Dresses
As I sit here writing this post, it is currently snowing outside... the third nor'easter in the past ten days for us New Englanders. UGH. Nothing sounds more appealing than some sunshine and warm weather right now! I am seriously regretting not booking a trip somewhere warm during the month of March. It is so easy to forget how much of a drag these last few winter months are until you are living through them and wondering when you'll see the sun next. I will most definitely be planning a trip to a warm weather destination for this time next year!
March 12, 2018
March 09, 2018
Spring Must Haves: Denim
Hi guys, happy Friday! Just popping on here quick to introduce a new-mini series I'm going to be featuring on the blog over the next month or so. With spring quickly approaching I want to share with you all the must haves for the season. Each week I'll be featuring a different spring must have - first up is all things denim!
March 06, 2018
F&F Swimwear Guide 2018!
Guys, it's that time of year again.. swimwear season! Call me crazy, but now is the time to update your swim pieces in preparation for summer and any tropical getaways that might be coming up. Even if you don't anticipate needing a swimsuit any time soon, I highly recommend taking at least a glance at the new swim arrivals of your favorite retailer. Chances are you will find something that catches your eye, and if you don't scoop it up now, I guarantee it will be gone before the warm weather even gets here. No bueno. Better to get it now and have it ready for the first few beach days of the season!
Not to mention, shopping for & finding the perfect bathing suit is hard work. I know all you ladies can relate. Getting your hands on a cute bathing suit is one thing, but finding one that fits and is flattering to your body type is a whole other story. I've already ordered two suits (this one & this one) this season and ended up exchanging them both for different sizes - side note: size up with both of those suits! I now have them both in the right size, but am still not sold on if they are the right suit for me. This swimwear thing is a process! Again, better to do it now & not have to deal with it later on.
I am guilty of doing a lot of perusing of the swim sections lately and have rounded up some of my favorites! There are a lot of amazing swimwear pieces out there this season, both one & two pieces. My goal of the season is to find the perfect one piece for me - wish me luck!
March 05, 2018
February 28, 2018
One Year as a Nurse
March marks one year of nursing under my belt. Kind of crazy, don't you think? It feels like just yesterday I was starting nursing school, which was actually almost three years ago, and yet here I am one year into my career as a nurse. I almost can't even believe it.
February 26, 2018
Resort Wishlist
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