January 09, 2019

Twenty Nineteen To-Do List

Last week I shared the intention I set for 2019 (go check it out here, if you haven't done so already!), and this week I wanted to share my 2019 to-do list. If you remember from last year, my new year to-do list is essentially a list of goals and things I would like to accomplish in this upcoming year. I had such a fun time crafting a list last year & then actually crossing off my accomplishments, that I knew I had to do it again this year.

I've started to stray away from making new year's resolutions... I feel like a list of goals is a better, more productive way to start the year. It not only helps you reflect on the things you want to accomplish in the next 365 days, but we all know that writing a list holds us more accountable and much more likely to successfully achieve those goals. My 2019 to-do list is just that and I cannot wait to start checking things off the list!


1. Run that Marathon! // You may remember that this was on the list last year, and sadly never got accomplished. More specifically I would love to run the NYC marathon, it would be a dream come true! However I will be happy to run any marathon at this point. If it happens to be the NYC marathon, then that would be the icing on the cake! 

2. Take French Classes // Of all the goals on this list, I think I am most excited about this one! I took french as my language all through middle school, high school, and a little bit in college, but despite all that my skills are far from where they should be. I love all things french and think the french language is so beautiful that I would love to be able to improve on my speaking skills. I'm not trying to become fluent, but I would love to brush up on it and ideally be able to hold a conversation while in a french speaking country. We will see! 

3. Get Three Blog Posts Up a Week // This might not sound like much, but it is something I have struggled with consistently doing. I feel like I'm either at four posts a week or none at all, the later being not okay at all! I need to find the happy medium, and I think three posts a week is very doable. With a little more effort I know I can do it, and it would be a small change that I think would make a big difference! 

4. Try New Fitness Classes // I am definitely a creature of habit when it comes to my workout routine. It is no surprise I love to run (see to-do #1!) but aside from that I am a big fan of indoor cycling, and yoga has recently become one of my weekly must-dos. Other than that, I don't really venture out and try new things, and there are so many amazing workout classes out there! This year I want to really make an effort to expand my fitness routine and try some new things. I've always said I would love to try pilates or barre classes, and my gym offers indoor treadmill running classes which I am very intrigued by. I'll have to keep you updated as I try them!

 Just as I did last year, I am leaving goal number 5 on the list open to any and all goals that may pop up throughout the year! I am obviously a big proponent of reflecting on goals at the beginning of the year, but that isn't to say that new goals, both big and small, won't come up as the year goes on. This space is for those future, not yet realized goals! 

What are some of your goals for the new year!?

xo. G 


  1. Great to do list for 2019! Try a weight lifting class like BodyPump class, you won't be disappointed! The treadmill class sounds interesting too. Happy Fitness, Happy health!

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